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Wenzhou Businessmen Online Magazine discusses Super Yachts

Written by Gulf Craft | Sep 18, 2011 4:04:21 PM

Wenzhou, a coastal city of over 3 million inhabitants in the southeastern Zhejiang province of the People's Republic of China, has a thriving business community.

The online version of the local 'Wenzhou Businessmen' magazine recently addressed quite some attention to the subject of super yacht ownership, realizing that the recent growth of wealth has created an interest and demand for luxury spending.

Why Yachts ? Well, the over 300 kilometers long coastline gives the city abundant marine resources and many beautiful islands. Dongtou, one of the counties in Wenzhou, happens to be called the "County of one hundred islands". It boasts wonderful landscapes with rugged mountains and tranquil waters, including three of China's most favoured scenic spots, namely the Yandang Mountain, Naxi River and the Baizhangji Fall-Feiyun Lake.

Gulf Craft's COO Erwin Bamps was quoted in the article discussing super yachts for the rich